Archive pour la catégorie 'image belle'

olivier séculaire

27 avril, 2010

olivier séculaire dans image belle ulivo

Mont Saint Michel

15 septembre, 2009

Mont Saint Michel dans image belle 8_Mont_St_Michel

Désert du Negev, Israel

1 septembre, 2009

Désert du Negev, Israel dans image belle SaharaMorocco

Il deserto del Negev, Israele
Israele è riuscito nella coltivazione di fiori nel Deserto del Negev, con tale successo che Israele è uno dei principali esportatori di fiori all’Europa (incluso di tulipani all’Olanda).

Christmas Day

18 décembre, 2008

Christmas Day dans image belle farm-in-christmas-snow

si vous souhaitez ces images, voici un autre,  c’est aussi  un wallpaper (1024 x 768 pixel original)

la cloche

7 août, 2008

la cloche dans image belle 195Campane_375x500

bonne nuit

19 mai, 2008

bonne nuit dans image belle glacier-wrangell-st-elias-718686-ga

Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska, 2003
Photograph by Frans Lanting

Streams of ice flow together like rivers, forming glacier complexes that cover hundreds—sometimes thousands—of square miles in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Covering more than 13 million acres (5.2 million hectares), Wrangell-St. Elias is the largest national park in the U.S. Nearly six Yellowstones could fit within its borders.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, « Alaska’s Giant of Ice and Stone, » March 2003, National Geographic magazine)

est une belle photo, non?

11 novembre, 2007

est une belle photo, non? dans image belle mare

National Geografic: aurore Boréale

5 octobre, 2007

National Geografic: aurore Boréale dans image belle churchill-aurora-407026-ga


3 juillet, 2007

Venice dans image belle 501608

Venice, Italy, 1994

Photograph by Sam Abell

Members of the Querini boat club row alla veneta, or gondola-style, through the waters of Venice Lagoon during the city’s 20th annual Vogalonga, a spirited rowing marathon that covers an 18-mile (30-kilometer) loop from Venice to Burano and back.

A group of oarsmen started the race in 1974 to revive traditional Venetian lagoon rowing. Today, the competition attracts some 5,200 rowers in more than 1,400 boats.

(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, « Venice: More Than a Dream, » February 1995, National Geographic magazine